Player of the Week – Pucholl II


They don’t give you gold medals for beating somebody. They give you gold medals for beating everybody. – Michael Johnson

This week we highlight an international player from València, Puchol II, who is known to be one of the best Wallball players in his country.

Francesc Xavier Puchol Catalunya, also known as Puchol II was born in Vinalesa (València) in 1991. He became a professional player of “Pilota valenciana” (a traditional handball sport played in the Valencian Country). His father was a professional player and his grandfather was a pioneer and a huge fan. Puchol’s love for the sport, is a result of a long family tradition.  Puchol II is a part of the staff of professional players that make up the “Federació de Pilota Valenciana”, where he holds first place in the ranking. Highlighting the “Individual championship”, in 2016 and the “Professional circuit” in 2015, he has won the most important trophies in València playing in its modality. Pucholl II also attended college and received a Bachelor’s degree in Physical Activity and Sports Science. His effort to develop himself in each training encourages him to keep his interest to help the sport achieve greater recognition as well as keeping the traditional values while he plays.

Puchol II will be competing against Professional athlete, Timbo Gonzalez on December 9th at the Spain vs USA Wallball Pro Exihibition.

Congratulations to our Player of the Week – Puchol II!